Dictionary words from the book Because of Winn-Dixie

Barrelling (noun) a large round container with flat ends.

Constellation (noun) a group of fixed stars.

Congregation (noun) a group of people gathered for religious worship.

Especially (adverb) chiefly, more than in other cases.

Exception ( noun ) one that is expected, especially a case to which a rule does not apply.

Fluttered ( verb) fly unsteadily or hover by flapping the wings quickly and lightly.

Insulted (verb) your ugly said Miss. Rosen.

Hanging when you but decorations

Hollered ( ) Got someone ‘s attention.

Intended resolved or determined to do something

Manager someone how is in charge

Missionary someone on religious route

Orphans ( ) when someone doesn’t have a mother or father.

Produce ( ) were you buy fruits and veggies

Preacher ( ) someone how delivers a sermon

Pathological Winn Dixie went crazy because it was raining.

Sermon ( ) a talk on a religious or moral subject especially one given during a church service and based on a passage from the bible.

Straight ( ) When a lost dog is found

Terrorized to do something bad

Twitched someone twitch his eyes.

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