Final Thoughts

If curriculum is addressed through projects that are based in principles like those offered by Spruck-Wrigley, or are made up of components like those found in The Challenge 2000 Multimedia Project, then more and more students of a single classroom would be able to succeed while working on the same types of projects. Since teaching time is reserved less for lecture and the showing of examples, teachers are able to coach the students who need some guidance and provide a little more assistance for those who need more. Classroom time is therefore used for involved and active learning. This learning is relevant and useful. Projects like The Breadwinner web project connect student learning to life outside their classroom. It deals with real-world concerns while developing real-world skills.

My students hit many roadblocks when they study almost any subject. They need to work many times as hard as their peers to achieve fewer objectives. It is often difficult to motivate them when the tasks appear so huge. It is even less motivating when the student is aware that their peers are completing much larger projects. Engaging students in their own learning, allowing them to choose their strategies as they create a project for a wide audience is an incredible motivational strategy. Most students will put in the hard work to create a highly personalized project that many people, not only their resource teacher, will see. It is very motivating for a student who has always been asked to do less challenging work to be asked to do the same project as their peers...

...and that is the beauty of web projects created through layered curriculum.

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