Answering Questions with Complete Sentences


If you don’t answer a question with a complete sentence, your reader may not know what the heck you are talking about!!!!!! We want to be clear and easily understood so that we don’t have problems in life, right? Also, it makes the teacher happy and that is always a good (very good) thing. Always refer to the question so that whoever is reading your answer knows what is going on.

Some Examples:

  1. Did you enjoy reading the article?

    Boring and NOT teacher-friendly answer:

    Exciting, teacher-friendly answers:
    No, I did not enjoy the article we read because I don’t like reading about depressing things like bad accidents.
    Yes, I enjoyed the article. I liked watching Caillou when I was younger and was interested in reading about the actor who played his English voice. It is very sad that she died at such a young age.

  2. How old is Doug Gilmour?

    Boring and NOT teacher-friendly answer:

    Exciting, teacher-friendly answers
    Doug Gilmour turned forty this year.
    Doug Gilmour turned forty this year and he is still a fabulous hockey player.

Write out numbers - don’t just use the numerals when you are writing in English!!!!

Nitty-Gritty Technical Stuff

Sentences begin with ____________.

Sentences end with punctuation. The three types of sentence-ending punctuation are: ___, ___, and ___.

If your sentence is tttoooooooooooooooooooo long it is called a run-on sentence and you need to think about chopping it up into smaller sentences or adding commas in the right places in order to make it easier for your reader to get through it because it can be difficult to keep track of what is going on when there is no place to stop and let your mind take a min-break in order to absorb the meaning of a sentence and of the paragraph that the sentence is in.

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